Story of the Week: Reformation Sunday
Posted on November 17, 2017 by spiritofjoy No comments

What a day! Reformation Sunday was filled with the joy and faith of God’s people celebrating together. We enjoyed festival worship at both services, paying tribute to the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. We worshiped God with the music of children’s voices blended with adult choir. Trumpets and piano and congregation all lifted praises to God!
At the second service we rejoiced to witness the confirmation of faith of 18 youth as we celebrated the service of Affirmation of Baptism! We will keep you in our prayers as you move forward in your lives of faith.
The evening brought a lighthearted and beautiful time together of music, wit, food, quizzes, devotions, prayer and a visit from Katharina von Bora. What a team effort! Thanks to everyone for the help to make the evening one to remember!
To God alone be the glory!