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Confirmation / Mentoring Relationships:

Confirmation meets on Wednesday evenings throughout school year for youth in grades 6 – 9.

Class nights begin with a large group opening and presentation of the topic for the day. The opening and presentation might include: teaching, music, quiz shows, personal faith stories, skits, Bible study, and prayer.

Following the large group, we break into Small Groups (4-6 students and an adult guide) for a half hour to discuss the theme for the day, share highs and lows, pray for one another, and receive a blessing. 

During Small Group Fellowship or Service nights the students gather in their designated small groups  with their guide and parents. They might go bowling, head to an outdoor maze, or even Thunder Road. A service activity might include Kids Against Hunger, helping with meals and cleaning at the St. Francis House, or assembling hygiene packs for the Mobile Food Pantry.

Each student is asked to do 12 hours of service during the course of the confirmation year. Half of that will be done with the small group; the other half will need to be done individually or with families.

Worship is at the heart of congregational life and our confirmation ministry too! It’s vital that we worship together as well as learn, serve, and play together.

Small groups of students will be asked to serve together in worship as communion assistants, readers, musicians, prayer writers, and in other roles according to their gifts and interests. And there are worship notes – meant to help students learn and focus on all the many parts of the service.


Middle School Years, Grades 6-8

High School Years, Grade 9