Faith Milestones

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Marking faith milestones from birth to graduation and the years beyond by naming, blessing, equipping, and gifting families. God knew we would need reminders to stop and tell the stories–the stories of God and His people, the story of God’s Son, and our own faith stories.

Milestones bring God’s presence into the home and the rituals of daily life into the congregation. They renew and transform congregations with the mission to “tend the baptismal journey” through all the ages and stages of a life centered in Christ. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to give birth to a trust and confidence in the creative, redeeming, and renewing power of God for us and creation.

Birth and Baptism

Children born and baptized at Spirit of Joy receive several wonderful gifts and tools to share faith in their home. On baptism day, a beautiful hand-crafted Faith Chest is gifted to help hold special items of faith. We celebrate this first step of our faith journey with great joy!

Baby’s First Christmas

The holidays bring about a whole new set of rituals and traditions in our homes and with our extended family. We gather to celebrate, prepare and give families a plush baby Jesus to take home.

Anniversary of Baptism

At the celebration of Jesus’ baptism in January, we gather all the children baptized in the previous year.

My Church

Our two year olds are busy exploring the world these days and we want them to also explore their church. Lots of pictures are taken as they experience different areas of the church, and then a personalized book is created for each child called My Church.

First Step into Sunday School

At age three, children are invited to participate in Sunday School. Three year olds are gifted with a Spark Story Bible. Children up through 5th grade are welcome to attend Sunday School at Spirit of Joy.

Walking with Jesus

Four year olds take turns bringing a Jesus doll home with them to take photos, share stories and be reminded how Jesus is with us wherever we go.

Prayer Pillows 

In kindergarten, children receive a Prayer Pillow. This milestone celebrates the gifts of prayer. Parents and children learn that they can pray anywhere, anytime during a fun-filled activity session. Prayer Pillows have become a real highlight for our kindergartners!

First Communion

First Graders have an important teaching and learning time before they receive their first Holy Communion. Older children who have not received instruction before are also invited to participate. Children and parents come to learn about this sacrament of the church.

The Lord’s Prayer

Second Graders use a variety of tools to learn the prayer that Jesus taught us. Then they lead the congregation in praying the Lord’s Prayer during worship!

Third Grade Bibles

Third graders receive a NRSV Bible. Bible basics are taught and children, along with their parents, learn how to use their Bibles. The congregation is involved by sharing and highlighting their favorite verses with the children.

Apostles’ Creed

Fourth graders and their families explore this statement of believe that Christians use to confess their faith and teach others about the gospel. Each child will create a keepsake photo to remind them what we believe in.

Confession and Forgiveness

Fifth graders and their families will come together to learn why this is such an important part of our lives together as Christians, and how we can be sinners and saints at the same time. (Fifth graders also have an end of year celebration, Fifth Grade Finale, to celebrate the end of elementary school and entrance into middle school.)

Entry into Confirmation

Sixth graders begin confirmation study with Pastor Eric and their small group guides. Martin Luther’s Small Catechism is given, and students are recognized and blessed as they begin a time learning and understanding.

Image of God

Seventh graders are in the thick of middle school, and we meet together to have conversation about identity, who we are and whose we are.

Teens and Traffic

Eighth graders and their parents gather as they are preparing to gain some major independence in obtaining a driver’s license.


Completion of three years of instruction and a year of one-on-one mentorship with a caring adult from SOJ, sophomore students are confirmed in the Christian faith through the Service of Affirmation of Baptism. Red stoles are given to the students as symbols of their commitment to the Christian faith and their intent to live lives of service to God.

9th – 12th Grade

High adventure trips, ELCA National Youth Gatherings, and mission/learning trips are part of the experience of high school students at Spirit of Joy.

High School Graduation

In May, high school graduates receive beautiful quilts hand-crafted by Spirit of Joy seamstresses. The quilts are presented with a special blessing of graduates and parents/guardians during the worship service.

*Spirit of Joy thanks our partners in ministry at the Vibrant Faith Ministries and for their leadership and research in faith formation.