Story of the Week – Thursday Men’s Bible Study Food to You Donations

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Each Thursday morning a group of SOJ men meet for bible study at the Fryin’ Pan.  Once a month they “pass the cup” and collect  an offering that will then be used to purchase the food of the month for the Charis Ministries Food to You Mobile Food Pantry.

Each month SOJ partner, Bill Brieher goes shopping for the best  deal on whatever the food might be (this month was macaroni in cheese).  From the amount collected the Thursday Men were able to purchase 834 boxes of mac and cheese. Bill shared that he got several questions in the grocery store about why he was buying so much…and when he told one gentleman, the man gave him all the change in his pocket–totaling around $8–to add to the donation.

Thank you to our SOJ Thursday Men’s Bible Study for all of their gifts to Food to You and Spirit of Joy year round.

Categories: Story of the Week